Flooding occurs again and again and is increasing more and more due to climate change. Under certain circumstances, flood events can occur mainly along the major rivers and their feeders, but also in higher regions where only smaller creeks run through. This may be due to extreme snow melting or heavy rainfall.
Despite the continuous improvement of structural flood protection in recent years and decades, human intervention in nature and its water cycle has led to a worsening of the flood situation in Austria and Europe.
Today the economic damage caused by floods is already significant. Only in 2013, Austria suffered €870 million in direct damage caused by floods and it is expected that the flood risk and the associated economic damage will continue to increase throughout Europe in the coming decades.
In 2013, water levels exceeding the highest levels of the past 200 years were measured on the Austrian Danube. In order to significantly reduce damage caused by flooding in the future, not only better spatial concepts by the government are needed, but also individual building protection against flooding is becoming an issue.
At IMT we offer you simply and quickly deployable protection systems for your building, so that water and sludge masses are stopped at the neuralgic points and thus damage is reduced or avoided.
Für die Auswahl der geeigneten Schutzsysteme ist nicht nur die Art der Gefährdung zu verifizieren, sondern muss auch, das zu schützende Gebäude begutachtet und dafür geeignet sein. Entscheidend ist auch, mitwelchem Aufwand ein dichter, statisch tragbarer, Anschluss zur Gebäudesubstanz hergestellt werden kann.
Das ist zu berücksichtigen:
Welche Bauweise? Sind Unterkonstuktionen erforderlich? Vollwärmeschutz? Welche Art der Fassade ist verbaut? Welche Schutzhöhe? Welcher Belastung sind Gebäude und Schutzsysteme ausgesetzt? Gibt es entsprechende Vorlaufzeiten und manpower für manuelle Systeme? Wo erfolgt die Lagerung der Schutzelemente? Gibt es neben den Fenster und Türen noch weitere potentielle Stellen, an denen Wasser eindringen kann? Ab- und Zuflussleitungen? Kabelführungen?
Are you interested in one of our flood protection systems and would like to know more about it? Send us a non-binding inquiry or call us directly.